As an independent literary press, Glass Lyre Press has published numerous poetry collections, chapbooks, fiction, and anthologies, as well as the Aeolian Harp Anthology Folio Series, and the annual Pirene’s Fountain Poetry Journal. Our books feature an eclectic range of accomplished writers with a distinctive aesthetic and vision. After years of open submissions and packed production schedules, our new publishing model allows us to focus on a select group of manuscripts.
The Glass Lyre logo, beautifully rendered by Tracy McQueen, features a glass lyre with its two swans, one of which represents lyrical beauty and grace, the other, meaning and truth. Each symbolizes the passion underlying Glass Lyre’s vision. The duality urges us to be receptive to new ideas, and unites us in our human experience. We welcome our artists to share the songs in their hearts, and our readers, to receive those songs into their own.